a brief history of clinton prison

  Clinton Prison, 1894

Ron Roizen's 1972 introductory note to his
a brief history of clinton prison:

This history is for the most part a summary of Chapter VIII of W. David Lewis' From Newgate to Dannemora: The Rise of the Penitentiary in New York, 1796-1848, (Cornell University Press, 1965) (hereinafter referred to as ND) and an anonymous article in the March 1949 issue of Corrections (C) devoted to the history of Clinton prison. The text is not to be taken as an original contribution but as a summary of the relevant materials within these two sources. Exact citation has not been done because it would imply something more than our summary effort. Much has been lifted bodily from Lewis' book and the Correction article.

  Labor Problem Context

  Prison Mine Plan

  After Mine Closed

Webmaster Note: Dr. Roizen's printed "brief history" originally ran seven pages without illustrations, subdivisions or subtitles. For web design purposes, images have been added and the original text has been subdivided into three pages. Each of those pages has been given a subtitle based on its content.