6th of 16 Father Charles Repole-related images from former DOC Chaplain Timothy F. MacDonald's Photo Collection

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[Image is used here through courtesy of Brother Timothy F. MacDonald, S.A.]

The picture is the 6th of 16 Fr. Charles Repole-related images made available to the New York Correction History Society web site by Friar Tim F. MacDonald who served as a NYC DOC chaplain during the 1970s as did Fr. Repole.

Fr. Tim's notes on this refer to a "generous check" being presented to Cardinal Cooke for some worthy cause. Besides Friars Tim and Charlie and the Cardinal, spot Al Mandanici and Donald Cranston. The other two? The organization presenting the check?

Is the gentleman, second right front, the one and same Dominick Della Rocca (1922 - 1998), seen in the earlier photo at Coney Island with the ferris wheel and Community Mayors of NYS banner in background?

Retired DOCer commented under the New York Correction History Facebook group page version of the above image:

  • George Kempf -- Tom, I think the person in back of Fr. Repole might be Harold Brown, the long-time union rep and past COBA president.
  • William Santiago -- Tom I beleive the person to the far right is Mandanici and next to him is former CCA president after Mandy.
  • Alex Athanassiou -- If it's not Mandanici, it's a perfect look-alike.
  • Ira Finkelstein -- Al Mandanici, Donald Cranston and Harold Brown.

Veteran current and former NYC DOC staffers and others who can correct, refine, enhance and increase the information in the image caption above are invited to do so. Include the image sequence number in your e-mail to the webmaster@correctionhistory.org